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Raising awareness about global health issues, engaging people in conversations, and helping to develop advocacy skills for healthcare professionals. 


Health professionals, with the unique position of being with people in times of great need, and with the respected status society offers, have a duty to amplify the voices of their patients and communities, recognise upstream threats to health, and act at the individual, community and policy levels to mitigate such threats. All health professionals can be advocates; to support and promote the rights of the patient in the health care arena, help build capacity to improve health, and enhance health policy initiatives focused on available, safe and quality care.


For our upcoming and most recent events click here

Recent publications and event blog posts

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March 2023

  • We gathered information and reflected on the ongoing crisis in Syria and Turkey 

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Podcast: Crisis and Hope in Afghanistan

Feb 2022

  • Hear from two doctors about their extensive knowledge of healthcare in Afghanistan. Listen to the podcast, available here

By Dr Adam Harvey-Sullivan and Dr Catherine Baker, with Dr Ayesha Ahmad and Dr Mohammad Haqmal

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  • Click through this interactive page to hear voices from all over the world talking about their experiences with COVID

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By Dr Jess Hanlon

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October 19th 2021

  • A review of the continuing barriers that refugees face when arriving, and even before arriving, to Europe. 

By Dr Catherine Baker

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 August 2021

  • After the grim 10 year anniversary of the Syrian conflict, two incredible Doctors, Drs Mahmoud al-Hariri and Ola Fahham shared their memories and experiences of Syria, hopes for the future and music which tells the story. 10am-12 21st August 2021. Available to listen here.

By Dr Adam Harvey-Sullivan, Dr Catherine Baker, Dr Jess Hanlon with Dr Mahmoud Al-Hariri and Dr Ola Fahham


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September 2021

  • Pipeline pressure zero bar, no available oxygen cylinders, overwhelming numbers of patients and staff feeling exhausted both by the current situation and the lack of end in sight....

By Dr Liz Hardman

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June 2021

  • 10 of the most important refugee situations you should know about 


By HPfGH members


April 6th 2021

  • Rita Issa's series in the Independent sharing her experiences on the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise is in the Indian Ocean documenting and exposing the threats our oceans face.

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April 5th 2021

  • A large fire devastated Moria Camp, on Lesvos island, which housed over 12,000 people.

  • The majority have been rehoused in Kara Tepe Camp, which has raised many concerns, including those about the immediate environment of the new camp.

  • Despite numerous challenges, one positive outcome has been the overhaul of medical provision.

  • COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted the physical health, mental health, rights and safety of refugees in Greece.

Catherine Baker and Jessica Hanlon with edits by Aula Abbara


December 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, our chair Dr Aula Abbara reflects on what has been among the most challenging, interesting and humbling years in global health for most within the Health Professionals for Global Health community.

Authors: Dr Aula Abbara 


July 3rd 2020, Lancet Migration Situational Brief

A detailed account of the situation in Syria with over half of the population (11.7 million) in need of humanitarian aid across he whole of the country. 

Authors: Ms Manar Marzouk; Ms Diana Rayes; Dr Yazan Douedari et al.


Challenges of providing healthcare worker education and training in protracted conflict: a focus on non-government controlled areas in north west Syria

11th June 2020, Conflict and Health 

This research looks into the education of health care workers in North West Syria The protracted conflict has led to the exodus of more than 70% of the healthcare workforce. Those remaining work in dangerous conditions with insufficient resources and a healthcare system that has been decimated by protracted conflict. 

Authors: Bdaiwi, Y, Rayes, D, Sabouni, et al.


The Independent, 2nd June 2020 

The UN’s climate change conference, first planned for November 2020 in Glasgow, has been pushed back once again, from May to November 2021. This comes after over 4,500 health professionals from across the global medical workforce last week signed a joint letter to G20 leaders calling for an economic recovery from Covid-19 that prioritises health and the environment.



Covid-19 among refugees in Greece: an avoidable catastrope. 

9th April 2020

Working in an advanced health system, our thoughts turn to refugees in Greece, where it takes little imagination to picture how rapidly SARS-CoV-2 could progress. 

What is the situation, and what needs to happen to avoid this catastrophe? 


Dr Aula Abbara, Chair, wins Emerging Leader Alumni Award, Imperial College

February 2020

Aula has a passion not only for medicine, but also for educating and supporting other healthcare professionals. As well as working as a consultant clinician in infectious diseases and acute medicine, she teaches Imperial medical students and provides training for healthcare professionals affected by conflict. . 


Our latest event blog, February 2020

We take a look back at our event of 4th December 2019.  A group of inspirational Doctors share their thoughts about how we too can be advocates.


You can listen to a recording of the whole event from the link on the events page. 


Humanitarian catastrophe for civilians in northwest Syria

BMJ 2020; 368 doi:

On 6th February 2020 Aula Abbara and colleagues published an editorial in the BMJ which details the escalation of violence in Idlib governorate in north western Syria, the mass displacement, destruction of healthcare and the dangerous vetoes by UNSC (UN security council) members Russia and China on the cross-border aid resolution upon which 4 million people in Syria rely. 

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Human beings seeking refuge do not deserve this hell

The Telegraph

On 24th December 2019 Jess Hanlon wrote in The Telegraph about conditions in Moria refugee camp, Lesvos, Greece. 


I'm a GP registrar - here's what's going to happen to the NHS now

The Independent

On 17th December 2019 Rita Issa wrote in The Independent about what a Conservative Government may mean for the NHS

© 2023 by Health Professionals for Global Health.

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